
Us fans of the original ’82 picture have been waiting (and dreading) the opening of the sequel Blade Runner 2049 for a year. The time has come: the picture is visually fantastic, the scenery compelling and the actors on top of their art, but my attention was also drown to the peculiar, even if understandable, […]


Hello, my name is Elena and I’m a Narcos’ addict…I have snorted the 10 episodes of season 3 in two days and now the only way to calm my withdrawal symptoms is to cook (and stuff myself) with Cocadas Blancas. The tastiness of these Colombian desserts is due to white and impalpable ingredients that would be perfect for […]


Today is your lucky day: Italian moms usually don’t share their cooking secrets outside the family….but my mamma Isa has been kind enough to let me teach you in my Skillshare Video Tutorial her personal recipe to make amazing POTATO GNOCCHI WITH BASIL PESTO.


International movie stars, TV personalities and music idols have an enviable lifestyle and keep themselves in perfect shape. Luckily, some of them, decided to share with fans their cooking recipes and healthy living secrets in quite tasty cookbooks. My favorites till now? 

Tortine frutta e formaggio

Game of Thrones’ seventh season is finally here. Last year’s big talk was about the “death” of Jon Snow, while this year’s papers and websites are filled with speculations on how many episodes are missing till the end and which one of the five prequels series in development will be produced.


Summertime calls for action blockbusters, and in 2017 big studios seemed to love their n. 5 🙂  Either that we hate or we love franchises like Transformers, Pirates and The Mummy we all agree that to enjoy the viewing experience we need popcorn! 

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